$650,000 – Client was passenger in vehicle that crashed when driver fell asleep. Client endured hand surgery and broke bone in foot- (Pre-litigation costs were waived, attorneys fees: $216,666.66.; Medical Bills and liens: $72,419.38; net to client: $362,913.96).

$300,000 – Pit Bull attack with disfiguring scars to client’s upper arm. (Pre-litigation costs were waived, attorneys fees $90,000, medical bills and liens $4,807.19, net to client $205,192.81.)

$150,000.00 – Pedestrian hit by truck while jogging. Client endured shoulder surgery. (Pre-litigation costs were waived, attorneys fees: $50,000.00., Medical Bills and Liens: $22,186.00.; net to client: $77,814.00

$90,000.00 – Eldery client rear-ended by large truck. Vehicle sustained minimal damage, but given client’s age she suffered exacerbation of prior injuries. (Pre-litigation costs were waived, attorney’s fees: $30,000.00., medical bills and liens: $ 18,737.00.; net to client: $41,263.00.)

$65,000.00 – Client fell through chair at restaurant sustaining soft-tissues injuries. (Pre-litigation costs: $250.00.; Attorney fees: $21,666.67.; Medical Bills: $6,790.00.; net to client: $36,293.33.)