Bad Wreck Gone Good

You ever heard of a attorney returning texts on a Friday night? Sunday afternoon? How about a email on Saturday morning? I dont know about you, but I work all week and my downtime is weekends, when I can think things over, question things and ponder what the insurance company is trying to pull over my family’s eyes. Meet Tyler Thomas, your goals will become his mission and he will fight for your family. My better half, got hit in a car accident and was unable to work. Tyler’s attention to my family’s needs and goals made me quit worrying. I mean, health concerns, surgery, loss of wages, bills, pain issues, doctor appoinments…….Tyler gets it. He understood where we needed to be, fought for our position, her welfare and my family. He kept me up to date by email, calls and texts when I was in meetings or displaced. Every week. Multiple times a week. Multiple times a day. Insurance companies, I have learned are not out for your best interest nor are they out to do the right thing. All they care about is how much money they can save. Tyler went above, beyond and through 3 kinds of hell to put up with me. I am a demanding type A personality that was at comfort with Tyler in control. Rest assured, there is tons of wicked in this world out to harm you and your family…..Tyler will help you with your family’s needs and goals. Do I recomend Tyler? Me and my family can’t say “Yes” fast enough.